26 Apr
Для „Doom III“ є модифікація „Classic Doom III“. Темно, заплутано, похмуро, клаустрофобічно. Помираю частіше ніж в „Doom III“.
Коментар зі сторінки на moddb.com:
Being someone who worked (distantly) with the developers when this was made, I assure you. These idiots will NEVER make an version that works with BFG edition that is trouble free. They were jerks then, and I'm sure they are still jerks now. They had to get on their knees and beg to get sonic clang to do the soundtrack. This was made 11 years ago, and part of the code is proprietary to doom3, so no, they care more about reaping $1 a day off a dead project than they do bringing it back, and making $5 a day on it.