Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, C, C++, Lua, tcl, javascript and Java comparison

Python 3 використовує більше оперативної памʼяті ніж Python 2. Tcl таке собі. Perl 5 і С краще всіх. Java — катастрофа тільки дурники пишуть на ній програми.

What about .NET ?
.NET (dot net) not so portable so it doesn't satisfy criteria for choosing languages. Because it has so much to do with Windows and Microsoft I see no reason for considering dot Net disregarding of its features or performance. Quoting Oktal: "I think Microsoft named .Net so it wouldn't show up in a Unix directory listing."
Dot Net's license is not free which raises an ethical issue as well. There are no reasons to work with non-free language whatsoever. As a matter of fact proprietary nature is a strong argument against dot NET.