Автор серии книг «You don’t know JS» Kyle Simpson не может пройти собеседования. Ссылка на его пост в linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/posts/getify_my-job-search-so-far-filtered-out-a-few-activity-7124836539938873344-FUrs?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop: https://www.linkedin.com/po...edium=member_desktop


My job search so far:

  • filtered out a few dozen unsuitable opportunities (location, pay level, job duties, etc)
  • 2 companies haven't responded at all after application, for over a week
  • 1 company said the role had already been filled
  • 1 company declined to interview me at all
  • 1 company had me go through an outsourced technical screen (coding basic JS) then said that I didn't
    do well enough on that for them to move forward. Apparently I still "don't know JS".
    So yeah, guess you could say things are going great.

The tech screen had multiple sections, but the one for coding was multiple problems (I got
through one fully and most of a second). These problems didn't allow any frameworks or
libraries, only html/css/JS.
1. Given a hard-coded list of data in an HTML list, and an input box, when someone types into
the input box, filter the list to only items that have that exact text matching, AND highlight
the matches in the list (colored background and different text).
2. Given a hard-coded list of IDs, and an API that fetches data including a variety of users, but
is hard-paginated at 50 results, collect exactly 5 records for each of the hard-coded user IDs,
then render all of those records.
I was given only about 35 minutes for coding. Like I said, I fully completed task 1, and had
most of task 2 completed. I felt pretty decent about what I completed and how I did it.
I kept thinking, "sheesh, if I didn't actually know JS really well, I would totally fumble this
whole screening." Like, probably 95% of people who get into that can't get even the first task fully working -- it's a tad tricky with the HTML rendering part, etc. Definitely wondering what they wanted/expected that I didn't do. Very curious.