
Тег Jabber в блоге poopoo


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Encrypted traffic interception on Hetzner and Linode targeting the largest Russian XMPP (Jabber) messaging service

TL;DR: we have discovered XMPP (Jabber) instant messaging protocol encrypted TLS connection wiretapping (Man-in-the-Middle attack) of jabber.ru (aka xmpp.ru) service’s servers on Hetzner and Linode hosting providers in Germany.
The attacker has issued several new TLS certificates using Let’s Encrypt service which were used to hijack encrypted STARTTLS connections on port 5222 using transparent MiTM proxy. The attack was discovered due to expiration of one of the MiTM certificates, which haven’t been reissued.
There are no indications of the server breach or spoofing attacks on the network segment, quite the contrary: the traffic redirection has been configured on the hosting provider network.
The wiretapping may have lasted for up to 6 months overall (90 days confirmed). We believe this is lawful interception Hetzner and Linode were forced to setup.



Читав що XMPP срань повна, але Discord шле все черезе HTTP і всіх все влаштовує.


GOIM is a Jabber client with special features targeted at gamers. It is based on the eclipse rcp and will include all major jabber features in addition to displaying who in the roster is playing which game on which server and other game related features.



Не так давно отримав в Jabber запит від 6 якихось невідомих мені персон (буду вважати що це люди). dbuster@toll.ml, felixrm@jabber.calyxinstitute.org, harhangel@testadillophone.science, jvitaminka@exploit.im, skillfulk@jabb.im, sreimon@exploit.im. Я то їх всіх авторизував, а вони мене ні.


Удаляем Profanity так как он не отображает все эти сообщения о том что нужно перейти по ссылке и разгадать капчу для входа в чат а пишет Server-to-server connection failed: DNS resolution failed. Хотя хрен его знает. Может что–то с jabber.ru. По крайней мере Pidgin подключается.

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