
Тег Perl в блоге poopoo


print $ " " for @ виведе лише пробільний символ а от print "$ " for @ виведе всі елементи масиву з @_ з пробілами між ними.


В Perl немає True і False. Так що написати if ($myVar == false) неможливо. Замість True і False всілякі нулі та порожні, не порожні рядки що прирівнюються до True і False.


Як пишуть на https://www.tutorialspoint....switch_statement.htm для того щоб в Perl зʼявилася інструкція switch потрібен модуль Switch який залежить від модуля Filter::Util::Call та Text::Balanced. Пиздець. Але, як написано https://perlmaven.com/switc...-statement-in-perl5, „In version 5.10 the keywords given and when https://perlmaven.com/switching-in-perl-5.10 were introduced trying to provide functionality similar to what case and switch are expected to do“, але „Unfortunately due to some misunderstandings the implementation had various issues and thus in a later version this functionality was marked as experimental which means if you use it, perl will give you warnings such as given is experimental and when is experimental. It also means its behaviour might change in the future or that it will be removed. You can avoid those warnings if you add no warnings 'experimental'; to your code.“ і також „With that said, as far I as I know, the problems of the given/when statement are actually rooted in the ~~ operator which was called Smart Match, but which turned out to be not so smart. If you don't rely on the "magic" in that operator then you will be ok“. Пиздець.

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