
Тег Python в блоге poopoo


BleachBit version 4.4.2. GTK+ 3.18.9 і Python. Запускається і навіть працює під Windows XP. Розмір встановленної программи 15,4 Мб. Якось аж дивно чому воно не займає під гігабайт.


The following 57 NEW packages are going to be installed:
deluge deluge-lang fluid-soundfont-gm fluid-soundfont-gs libSDL_image-1_2-0
libSDL_mixer-1_2-0 libSDL_ttf-2_0-0 libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0
libhiredis0_13 libmemcached11 libmikmod3 libmodplug1 libportmidi0
libtorrent-rasterbar10 memcached python-enum34 python-funcsigs
python-ipaddress python-notify python2-Automat python2-Beaker python2-GeoIP
python2-Mako python2-MarkupSafe python2-PyHamcrest python2-SQLAlchemy
python2-Twisted python2-asn1crypto python2-attrs python2-bcrypt python2-cffi
python2-chardet python2-constantly python2-cryptography python2-h2
python2-hiredis python2-hpack python2-hyperframe python2-hyperlink
python2-idna python2-incremental python2-libtorrent-rasterbar
python2-pyOpenSSL python2-pyasn1 python2-pyasn1-modules python2-pycparser
python2-pycryptodome python2-pygame python2-pylibmc python2-pymongo
python2-pyserial python2-python-memcached python2-redis
python2-service_identity python2-zope.interface redis timidity

The following 18 recommended packages were automatically selected:
deluge-lang fluid-soundfont-gm fluid-soundfont-gs python-notify python2-Beaker
python2-GeoIP python2-SQLAlchemy python2-cryptography python2-hiredis
python2-idna python2-pyOpenSSL python2-pycryptodome python2-pygame
python2-pymongo python2-python-memcached python2-redis
python2-service_identity timidity

57 new packages to install.
Overall download size: 141.8 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation,
additional 257.3 MiB will be used.

Deluge 1.3.15. openSUSE leap 15.2.

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