У Free Pascal якась херня з Unicode про особливості роботи з яким є довгенька стаття https://wiki.freepascal.org...e_Support_in_Lazarus

What happens when I use $codepage utf8?

FPC has very limited UTF-8 support. In fact, FPC only supports storing literals as either "default" encoded 8-bit strings or widestrings. So any non default codepage is converted to widestring, even if it is the system codepage. For example most Linux/Mac/BSD use UTF-8 as system codepage. Passing -Fcutf8 to the compiler will store the string literal as widestring.

At run time the widestring literal is converted. When you assign the literal to an AnsiString the widestring literal is converted using the widestringmanager to the system encoding. The default widestringmanager under Unix simply converts the widechars to chars, destroying any non ASCII character. You must use a widestringmanager like the unit cwstring to get correct conversion. Unit LazUTF8 does that.